Thursday, April 14, 2016


Its been almost a year since I have blogged...  My only excuse is that life happens.  Medical appointments, teaching full-time, two active children, a husband....

Jeffrey is still cancer free however, we are still battling with seizures.  We feel that every time we take one step forward we end up really taking 50 backwards.  They seems to get better with increased amounts of medicines then the take a horrible turn for the worse.  In December we changed neurologists in hopes for new answers.  At the beginning all was great and now Jeffrey is reverting back to the same situation.  I feel like I have the neurologist on speed dial number 1 and his email automatically is the first one that pops up when I compose a new email.

In the past year we have had 4 EEG's done two of which are video EEG'S.

Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for two amazing children.  I fight for everything that they have.  I am thankful for there medical teams as well.  I am also thankful for a supportive family.  I know that there is no way on earth that I would be able to do this all on my own.  With a face like this you have to smile and know that God will heal.

Today is just a day of feeling blue...  Another young lady lost her battle to cancer.  Jade is a 6 year old girl who battled for just under one month with a cancerous aggressive brain tumor.  

Words cant express our sorrows for families who suffer from these sorrows.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

5 years ago.....................

Its hard to believe that 5 years ago we sat at Inova Fairfax and received the worse news any parent could ever imagine.  "We are so sorry but Jeffrey will be admitted and a neurosurgeon will be in very shortly to speak with you."  "Jeffrey has a very large mass consisting of the entire right side of his head." 
A day that we will NEVER forget.  Dr. Myseros walked in and sat down like he knew us for years and simply put stated "I have Jeffrey scheduled for emergency surgery on Monday morning at 7am."  Im sorry DR. but can you please explain this to me?  "Jeffrey has a large tumor that consists of his entire right side of his head.  Have you seen the scans?"  No sir we have not and we would like to please.  Images were shown that absolutely blew our minds.

By Monday morning Jeffrey had lost 95% of his motor skills.  A 14 hour surgery followed by chemo and radiation in Boston.  Doctors informed up many times that sure to the stage (Four) and they type of tumor that it was Jeffrey's chances at life we unknown. 

While we have met some great people along our journey and have gained a title that will forever be a part of our life today we can proudly say that JEFFREY IS CURED!    

CURED is a word that we have not heard at all in the last five years.  The Doctors refused to use the words remission or cured until we reached the five year mark. 

Today our world changes yet again for a reason that truly is amazing.  We live everyday as if it were the last day and enjoy each of our children to no end.  One never knows what God has in store for them.  This weekend we will take time to celebrate with Jeffrey!  We will celebrate life in general as he is unaware of what exactly he had going on with himself when he was just 19 months of age. 

Tears of joy are among our family today as the last five years have been rough and filled with many doctors appointments. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

6 month MRI is approching

Jeffrey's 6 month MRI is approaching very quickly!   This means that the stress level in our home is very high.  Many may think that we have become pros at doing this since it has been over 3 years.  Not at all.  Every MRI that we have means that it is yet another time that our miracle baby has to be put under anethisa.  With that means another list of side effects.  It never gets easier.  We ask that everyone pray that Jeffrey has a great MRI on November 5, 2013 and that again we rock with great results on November 20, 2013.  Thank you once again for all of your support!!! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Threes years off Treatment and still OUR HERO!!!

Its hard to believe that three years ago we were ringing the bell for the completion of Proton Radiation with Jeffrey.  How the good Lord has given us the biggest miracle of life.  We could not be more blessed with how Jeffrey has completed our life's so happy and healthy.  Today he is growing up to be a young man.  He started kindergarten, is playing flag football among other accomplishments as well.  We still however continue with our therapies in pt and counseling but they are just a stone that someone threw in our path.  We will work though the little things in life.  Also remember that September is Childhood Cancer awareness month so please support in any and every way possible!  God can and will give miracles to those in need.  Remember prayers!

A Night out at a Dirt Track.

Saturday evening we decided to take the kids to Winchester speedway to watch the dirt cars.  They had a blast!  They even bonded laying on the bleachers watching the cars together.

Dukes of Hazzard!

Jeffrey got to meet Ben Jones "Cooter" From Dukes of Hazards on Saturday.  He was so excited.  He gave him a super hard high five and won against Cooter arm wrestling!!   I love the facial expressions on all there faces!  Jeffrey even danced when "Cooters garage band" played on the stage!  Great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Outer Banks 2013